Google Adsense or commonly abbreviated as GA would have been familiar to sobat.Ini is a service where we will be paid by placing ads in our blog and we will be paid perkliknya.Tapi behind these things, there are also tables of facts that may surprise for sobat.Yuk game .... can not wait anymore??? he hehehe.Ini 10 Facts About Google Adsense

1. Try again, try again, try again!
Successful version: banned once common, ordinary rejected twice, five times tolerable, eight times: why Adsense so yes?, Fifteen times: starting to feel, twenty times: try again with a new blog, a blog long biarin use local PPC, no adverse blogwalking, thirty times: Yippee ..... pin came .. PO first follow soon!
Version failed: banned once common, ordinary rejected twice, five times tolerable, eight times: why Adsense so yes?, Fifteen times: starting to feel, twenty times: heartache!, Thirty times: try the local PPC ah, four twenty times: bye .. Adsense!

2. Do not wear the same blog that it has already been banned!
Facts say 95% Adsense publisher who signed with Indonesia the same blog ever be banned will be banned also by Adsense! So instead of tired with the same blog list continues on banned prepare a new blog which is roughly in accordance with Google's TOS.

3. 've Honestly I still banned?
One of the most regrettable thing by Blogger Adsense Indonesia is not never give a detailed explanation on why his account banned. Google's love letter is always the same! 've Played honestly, do not click on your own ads, do not ask others to click ads even put-Woro Woro so that visitors do not click on ads (KISS PLEASE NO!), Eh still banned as well. Fate is so ...!

4. Adsense in Blogs Speak Indonesian
Adsense for Indonesian language blog is still a matter of controversy. I really had to approve Indonesian as one of the languages ​​available for Adsense, but not old Indonesian Adsense retracted. Still not a new thing anymore when we melihatGoogle Adsense blogs appear in Indonesian language bertraffic low to high-even before Google Adsense to approve Indonesian itself! Indonesia advanced people did ya? But remember, at the risk of his banned also great if put Adsense in Indonesian language blog!

5. Click Fraud
Although a 1001 ways for doing click fraud, deh ya better saved for another PPC.

6. Read the TOS well and do not violate the TOS
It's important that the Indonesian publisher will not quickly kicked out of Google Adsense. Read and consider carefully the Google TOS violations and avoid self-defeating. All kinds of Affiliate Programs, PTC, traffic exchange is something unwelcome and likely banned by Adsense.

7. Indonesia Bulk bomb Publisher
Around October s / d in December 2011, being diligent really doing Adsense banned missal on blogs Indonesian suspected of click fraud. Not Just a just account, the old account that has master even open a Google Adsense Adsense manufacturing services was even affected too. I expect this moment still and will continue until the time could not be determined. Hmmmm .... Be careful!

8.Google Adsense and Third Party
I just know that there are many who are still confused about how that gets approval from Google Adsense. And if you want to know, Google Adsense approval was obtained gampaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnggg really!! -That easy to get banned, hehehe. If you do not believe a third party use only, Indyarocks.

9.Adsense favoritism??
Blogwalking frequent blogger blogging attitude and attention to the outside? It turns out that a lot of bloggers considered outside the exchange also click and visit through blogwalking ya? Adsense account but why they still stay aliveya? Hang on, even when it all clicks diisengi with bombs? Hmmmm .... My friends told me anyway Adsense favoritism, but let's think positive that click fraud action in Indonesia is very much and was not frivolous. Let's make it a habit honest!

10.Coba Local PPC Whiz
Never underestimate our local PPC! Though most only produce coins worth Rp 200 - Rp 500 per click with bizarre ads and adults. But if friends stay serious to increase traffic, then make no mistake, another opportunity awaits! Let's look at the income of friends who have managed to attract such a bona fide local PPC Adstars, Id or Innity Blog Network. Per clicks could even reach Rp 18,000. Wahhhh .... Google Adsense tu pass!!!

What about my friend .... already announcing the secret facts about GA.Jadi carefully ya buddy if you want to install it anyway GA.Blog've also got banned, I do not know the hell alasannya.Padahal not clicking sendiri.Ya already deh. .. the past. Congratulations to all of them, hopefully we can use GA does not like me :)

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