A document reveals how Microsoft is working with U.S. intelligence agencies to read messages from users, including helping the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) secret unlock code Microsoft, Australia Guardian reported on Friday (07/12/2013).

Confidential documents obtained by the Guardian of Edward Snowden, U.S. intelligence whistleblowers, said the level of cooperation between Silicon Valley and American intelligence agencies in the last three years.

The document, among others, suggests, Microsoft helped the NSA to read the conversation at the new portal Outlook.com by giving the company secret code. NSA has access to Outlook.com including Hotmail before the messages are written in the form of a code (encrypted).

Microsoft is working with the FBI this year that the NSA get easier access to the data warehouse via Prism SkyDrive which has 250 million users in the world.

Microsoft is also working with the FBI to the intelligence agencies "understand" the issues that potential Outlook.com that allows users to use the e-mail alias for them.

In July last year, nine months after Microsoft bought Skype, the NSA is proud to mention that the NSA has been able to increase the amount of video that they can access through Skype as much as three times through the Prism program. The materials obtained from Prism program routinely accessed by the FBI and CIA. One of the documents referred to by the name the NSA "team sport".

Snowden documents also reveal the tension between Silicon Valley and the Obama administration. Leading technology companies lobbying the government to be allowed to express the depth of their cooperation with the NSA to address customer concerns in terms of privacy.

Corporate leaders are not trying to claim that they have collaborated and cooperated with intelligence agencies like NSA documents mentioned in the argument that the process is carried out according to the lawsuit.

In a statement Microsoft said: "If we increase the capacity (upgrade)-prudok and updating our products, we are not exempt from having to comply with any applicable law, present and future.

Microsoft reiterated his argument that they provide the customer data "only as a response to the request of the government and we only serve the demand for specific address or identity."

Last June, the Guardian reported that the NSA claims to have "direct access" program through the Prism system leading internet companies including Microsoft, Skype, Apple, Google, Facebook and Yahoo.

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