How To Root Sprint Motorola Photon 4G
Today i have a great news for Sprint Motorola Photon 4G users as folks over at XDA have managed to gain root on this device.In order to root your Motorola Photon 4G, you will be needing HD Station, Motorola Photon, HDMO Cable that comes with HD Station, Monitor with open HDMI port, Wi-Fi internet connect on the phone and a PC with network access to phone.


  • Install Superuser from the Market
  • Install SSHDroid from the Market
  • Open SSHDroid, and make sure it is listening on port 2222
  • Connect Photon to HD Station
  • Connect HDMI to HD Station and TV/Monitor
  • Turn TV/Monitor on
  • Change TV/Monitor input to HDMI
  • Open Firefox in webtop
  • Go to http://higgs.cygnusx-1.org/~edgan/pulse.tar
  • Open it instead of saving
  • Extract pulse.tar to /var/tmp
  • Connect to phone via ssh at ip address mentioned in SSHDroid and port 2222
  • Type /var/tmp/pulse/pa_race
  • Type /var/tmp/pulse/install-su.sh

Linux, in terminal window:
ssh -p 2222 root@ip-address-mentioned-in-SSHDroid
Mac, in terminal window:
ssh -p 2222 root@ipaddress-mentioned-in-SSHDroid

If you need further assistance you can contact the developers here.

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