Ways To Not Be in Copy Articles | Tutorials ways that blog article or website can not copy paste by others. In the latest article posts Kolombloggratis.Org this time the solution will be searching on your blog or website article that my friend can not copy and paste other people with offhand, COPY-PASTE is very rife in the world and it can also be bad for all party, copy and paste the article is actually done well there is no problem with the existing provisions permission of the owner of the blog or website, even better in the original source link menantumkan copy of his article, as owner of the article must have been very upset if articles are made day or night arrived - arrived in duplicate by others without including the source link, but
for some people may not think about the article indifference in others copy, Kolombloggratis.Org coincide with this article will provide a solution that article my friend can no longer be copied by others with the paste at will, Berikuti pay attention and follow the way of that article can not be copied and paste my friend again:

1. Log in to your Blogger account
2. Template click menu option
3. Click the Edit HTML
4. Find the code </ body>
To facilitate press Ctrl + F
5. Copy the code below and paste the above code </ body>

<script language='JavaScript1.2'>

/ / Disable select-text script (IE4 +, NS6 +) - By Andy Scott
/ / Exclusive permission granted to Dynamic Drive to feature script
/ / Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com for this script

disableselect function (e) {
return false

reenable function () {
return true

/ / If IE4 +
document.onselectstart = new Function ("return false")

/ / If NS6
if (window.sidebar) {
document.onmousedown = disableselect
document.onclick = reenable
</ Script>
<script language='JavaScript'> curPage = 1;
document.oncontextmenu = function () {return false}
if (document.layers) {
window.captureEvents (Event.MOUSEDOWN);
window.onmousedown = function (e) {
if (e.target == document) return false;
else {
document.onmousedown = function () {return false}
} </ Script>

6. Click save template (template store)
7. Please preview your blog or website

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